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explore subfolder image Informes Trimestrales
explore subfolder image Informe Trimestral 2021
An Adobe Acrobat file 4to Trimestre 2021 ANUALDownload Preceding File Preview the file 403.2 KB
A Microsoft Excel file 4to Trimestre 2021-AnualDownload Preceding File 36.02 KB
explore subfolder image Informe Trimestral 2022
An Adobe Acrobat file 1er Trimestre 2022Download Preceding File Preview the file 608.21 KB
A Microsoft Excel file 1er Trimestre 2022Download Preceding File 81.99 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 2do Trimestre 2022Download Preceding File Preview the file 263.3 KB
A Microsoft Excel file 2do Trimestre 2022Download Preceding File 36.68 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 3er Trimestre 2022Download Preceding File Preview the file 555.57 KB
A Microsoft Excel file 3er Trimestre 2022Download Preceding File 84.69 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 4to Trimestre 2022Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.42 MB
A Microsoft Excel file 4to Trimestre 2022Download Preceding File 198.52 KB
explore subfolder image Informe Trimestral 2023
An Adobe Acrobat file Enero - Marzo 1er Trimestre de Indicadores de Resultados PbRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 386.39 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Julio - Octubre 3er Trimestre de Indicadores de Resultados PbRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.14 MB
A Microsoft Excel file Julio - Octubre 3er Trimestre de Indicadores de Resultados PbRDownload Preceding File 159.34 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Reporte 4to trimestre 2023Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.13 MB
A Microsoft Excel file Reporte 4to trimestre 2023Download Preceding File 210.4 KB
explore subfolder image Informe Trimestral 2024
An Adobe Acrobat file 1er. trimestre 2024 PbRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 702.74 KB
A Microsoft Excel file 1er. trimestre 2024 PbRDownload Preceding File 240.04 KB
A Microsoft Excel file 2do. trimestre PbR 2024Download Preceding File 465.76 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file 2do. trimestre PbR abril - junio 2024Download Preceding File Preview the file 11.98 MB
A Microsoft Excel file 2do. trimestre PbR abril - junio 2024Download Preceding File 464.52 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Tercer trimestre PbR 2024Download Preceding File Preview the file 786.08 KB
A Microsoft Excel file Tercer trimestre PbR 2024Download Preceding File 191.63 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Abril - Junio 2do Trimestre de Indicadores de Resultados PbRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 3.17 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file Certificación Reglamento Municipal del Sistema de Evaluación del DesempeñoDownload Preceding File Preview the file 3.1 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file Informe anual 2022 PbRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.37 MB
A Microsoft Excel file Informe anual 2022 PbRDownload Preceding File 218.21 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file M.DE.PROC. EVALUACION Y PLANEACION DISEÑO FINALDownload Preceding File Preview the file 871.34 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Manual de Politicas y Procedimientos SED Delicias v2 2018 FINAL ICMA-ML-1Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.03 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file Plan Anual de Trabajo PBR 2021 FINALDownload Preceding File Preview the file 719.34 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Reporte Anual 2023 PbRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.06 MB
A Microsoft Excel file Reporte Anual 2023 PbRDownload Preceding File 263.21 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Reporte Diagnostico SIMED Delicias 2018 ICMA-MLDownload Preceding File Preview the file 370.67 KB




