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Adquisiciones 2018

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An Adobe Acrobat file ADQUISICIÓN DE PATRULLAS.pdfDownload Preceding File 2024-07-12 14:27:38 1.8 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file ADQUISICIÓN UNIFORMES PERSONAL OPERATIVO.pdfDownload Preceding File 2024-07-12 14:27:41 10.37 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file CAMARAS DE SOLAPA.pdfDownload Preceding File 2024-07-12 14:27:38 1.31 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file CASCOS CICLISTA.pdfDownload Preceding File 2024-07-12 14:27:38 2.62 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file CASCOS MOTOCICLISTA.pdfDownload Preceding File 2024-07-12 14:27:38 2.19 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file CHALECOS ANTIBALAS.pdfDownload Preceding File 2024-07-12 14:27:39 1.19 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file EQUIPO TÁCTICO.pdfDownload Preceding File 2024-07-12 14:27:41 3.12 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file RADIOS MOVILES.pdfDownload Preceding File 2024-07-12 14:27:40 1.49 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file SISTEMA DE GRABACIÓN.pdfDownload Preceding File 2024-07-12 14:27:40 1.16 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file TERMINAL PORTATIL.pdfDownload Preceding File 2024-07-12 14:27:41 1.06 MB

Adquisiciones 2024

Adquisiciones 2023

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explore subfolder image LICITACION UNIFORMES
An Adobe Acrobat file 01 L.P. 06-2023 BASES UNIFORMES Y EQUIPO TACTICO.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 14.6 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 06 L.P. 06-2023 ACTA JUNTA DE ACLARACIONES UNIFORMES Y EQUIPO TACTICO.PDFDownload Preceding File Preview the file 3.77 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 09 L.P. 06-2023 ACTO DE FALLO UNIFORMES Y EQUIPO TACTICO_0001.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.17 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 12 L.P. 06-2023 CHECK LIST SAQUINSA_0001.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.57 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file CONTRATO No 56 2023 SAQUINSA EXPORT IMPORT SA DE CV_2023-12-20_1.PDFDownload Preceding File Preview the file 4.87 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file NUMERAL 2 INICIO PROCESO DE LICITACION UNIFORMES Y EQUIPO TACTICO_0001.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 15.64 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 04 L.P. 05-BIS-2023 COM SOC DESAYUNOS ESCOLARES_0001.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.41 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 04 L.P. 06-2023 SOLICITUD COM SOCIAL ADQUISICION DE UNIFORMES Y EQUIPO TACTICO.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.28 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 04 L.P. 07-2023 MOBILIARIO URBANO.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.24 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 04 L.P. 08-2023 Contratación de Suministro y Aplicación de Pintura Vial..pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.36 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 04 L.P. 08-BIS-2023 CONTRATACION DE SUMINISTRO Y APLICACION DE PINTURA VIAL.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.23 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file 04 L.P. 09-2023 SOLICITUD A COMUNICACION SOCIAL LUMINARIAS_0001.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.33 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file L.P. 01-2023 MATERIAL DE ALUMBRADO PÚBLICO.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 627.36 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file L.P. 02-2023 RECOLECCIÓN DE SANGRE.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.29 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file L.P.02-BIS-23 COM SOCIAL RECOLECCION DE SANGRE_0001.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.48 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file L.P. 03-2023 ADQUISICIÓN DE MEDICAMENTO.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.3 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file L.P. 03-BIS-2023 COM SOCIAL MEDICAMENTO_0001.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.37 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file L.P. 04-2023 CONVOCATORIA COM SOCIAL DESPENSAS FAMILIAS DE ESCASOS.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.34 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file L.P. 05-2023 SOLICITUD COM SOCIAL DESAYUNOS ESCOLARES 2023_0001.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.3 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file L.P. 05-BIS2023 ACTA DE JUNTA DE ACLARACION DESAYUNOS ESCOLARES.PDFDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.2 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file L.P. 10-2023 OFICIO COMUNICACION SOCIAL SEGUROS DE VIDA.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.25 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file L.P. 11-2023 OFICIO COMUNICACION SOCIAL SEGUROS DE VEHICULOS E INMUEBLES.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.45 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file NUMERAL 16 PRES. PARTICIPATIVO MATERIAL PARA SEÑALAMIENTO VIAL_0001.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 10.27 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file PLAN ANUAL DE ADQUISICIONES 2023.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 412.11 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file UNIFORMES.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 41.62 MB

Adquisiciones 2022

Adquisiciones 2021